Video Testimonials
Check out what users of the EESystem World-WIde are saying about their experiences:
I have been going to the EES Regenesys Center almost weekly for 2 to 4 hours each time since their grand opening in June of 2023. I didn't know how much I needed this in my life! I can say that EVERY time I have a session I come out feeling better and energized. I am finally writing a testimonial since my last session was such a significant and lasting boost for me.
I am healthy with just age (67) and life activities related orthopedic issues. I am so much better physically with reduced inflammation and so much less pain. Recently I have just felt tired all the time and I had missed being able to get my weekly session due to travel. I went in for 4 hours and came out no longer feeling tired and it has stayed with me. I feel regenerated. I believe in this safe, non medical approach and feel so blessed to have the EES available. Healing in our body from disease that has taken a long time to manifest doesn't go away immediately when we are working on improving our health situation.
I will continue going as long as I am able. I always detox after using the EES. The EES is allowing my body to heal from things from more than I even know and the junk my body is kicking out, has to go!

My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease about 5-6 years ago. Over the years, it was not getting better but worse. She was falling more as time went by. She went from using a cane to using a walker. Even then, her legs would give out.
My mom has been coming to an EES center two overnights per week since March of this year. I would drop her off at night and pick her up in the morning. On the third week, I came to pick her up as usual, and she came out the door WITHOUT THE CANE. No shuffling, just steady gait. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

As soon as I entered the room, I could feel this energy that encircled my head, then went to my chest, and then to my body. The first two days I experienced a huge detoxification process going on with some exhaustion and on the third day I felt the energy reverse and the detoxing was less. After completing 3 days at the center, I feel energized not only physically but mentally too. I highly recommend the ReGenesys center! Cindy APRN CNP

Suffered from hypo thyroid, adrenal fatigue and imbalanced hormones for 15+ years working with a natural specialist found some relief, but never had energy left over to work out or enjoy an active lifestyle and depression and fatigue were always lurking. I began visiting an EE system and after 5 - 2 hour sessions, I had saliva, urine and blood testing by my DR. and Hormone specialist and received the best news! High cholesterol was in perfect range, no longer need to increase thyroid medication and most importantly my adrenals were in a healthy range, and other hormones falling into balance optimal range.

"I am 90 years old and have had optic nerve damage to my left eye for over 4 years now.
After 2 sessions (4 hours) with the Energy Enhancement System (EES) I noticed that I could see more out of that eye! It isn't normal yet, but there is definite improvement.
I am seeing more colors now and that is something!

Health Issues: Cancer, open wounds, food spitting up, weight loss. I noticed a change in my skin cancer within the first few sessions @ Energy Enhancement System (EES). A red appendage disappeared. Then I noticed some scabs were coming off my head. I had a lump on my right hand that was getting caught on things. I was going to EES three days a week for two hours. Recently the lump on top came off, it bled a little. The next day it healed up and looked better. My face had a rosy glow and my mood was happy every day. I know that God has played a part in my well being. My belief in God works with my belief in EES to work miracles.

I wanted to tell you all what a lovely time I had at the recent Ladies Spa Night at Regenesys Center. The gold bio-collagen face mask felt so good on my face. It was very relaxing. And when I looked at my skin after I arrived home, I noticed it had a smoother look.
I also enjoyed the foot soak very much. The warm water was very relaxing to my feet. And the little gifts that you gave away, also made the night very special. Thank you again for a lovely night at Regenesys Center!

I have neuropathy in my foot which was a chronic pain-level of 10, and when I wake up I could barely stand or walk on that foot. After 2 sessions the pain in that foot is down to a 0-2. My son, a veteran with PTSD, received a free 2 hour session. He was skeptical but admits he went into the session depressed, and came out with a better emotional state.
Colleen D.Georgia
We chose the 10-hr overnight stay. We were not disappointed! I was amazed to see just how much overall improvement we experienced with just one stay. I am a retired RN in my 70’s. I had a brain aneurysm repair in November and have had severe pain in my neck and back and nagging headaches for the past 20-30 years. After the night session, I woke up pain free with no stiffness. I have suffered from severe depression/anxiety. My mood is now at a normal level and I’m sleeping more at night. My over-active bladder problem has vanished. I've had almost constant severe foot pain and numbness for years. After my session, the foot pain/stiffness is totally gone! I was also still experiencing fatigue and weakness from Covid. My energy is returning and the brain fog is lifting! My body feels renewed!
Verena S.Covington, LA
Really am enjoying my visits here! I’m seeing improvement in my vision and in my memory whoohoo!! A leg rash that I’ve been dealing with for over 3 years is finally healing!!! I look forward to seeing continued healing and just overall wellness! Thanks!!!
Robin C.Boaz, Al
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